Author Topic: Big in Adelaide these days....  (Read 14439 times)

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Offline Beergut

Big in Adelaide these days....
« on: Tue 03 Jun 2008 05:21:58 »
This may be old news; I believe from 6-12 months ago, but I have it on good authority (my children) that a locally based National performer from the 80's has made a big comeback in Adelaide lately.

He is packing them into pubs and clubs around town, and getting almost as much adulation and audience response as he did in his heyday.

My two adult children look out for any new shows, and where possible go to see him. Occasionally, through contacts they don't have to queue to get in, but if they have to stand in line to see him, they will.

They know almost all of his material off by heart: not bad for an eighties performer hey! And they all sing along as loud as they can. Along with hundreds of people their age.

Of course being an Eighties performer, the type of venue he plays now is a far cry from where he used to perform, but he has taken that in his stride. I vividly recall seeing him on at least a half dozen occasions when he was at his peak; and most of the audience just couldn't get enough of him. Being a bit older now I don't think I'd line up again: but as I said my kids just love him.

The performer?

Would you believe Peter Coombe!

Packing in all the kids who were 2 to 10 years old back then: singing all the same songs, with very raucous audience participation now: and they all love it!

Never stand between a tree and a dog

Offline motcher76

Re: Big in Adelaide these days....
« Reply #1 on: Tue 03 Jun 2008 16:48:28 »
Ah, you can't beat Wash Your Face in Orange Juice, Newspaper Mama, Toffee Apple, Chopsticks, Spaghetti Bolognaise and Juicy, Juicy Green Grass  :D

I had heard he still has a huge following. What a legend.

"... Before you judge a man, first walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who gives a damn. He's a mile away and you've got his shoes!!..."   ;D