Author Topic: NEVER, EVER, buy anything from Dino Direct  (Read 18291 times)

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Offline Beergut

NEVER, EVER, buy anything from Dino Direct
« on: Fri 11 Feb 2011 04:55:11 »
If you're thinking about buying ANYTHING from this internet seller; DON'T!!!

I could go into a long rant about them here, but unless anyone wants to know the details I won't. Suffice to say I bought 2 $100 bricks from them. Their 30 day money back guarantee is not worth the paper it's not written on. They will do anything they can to avoid refunding your money, regardless of how bad their products are (and believe me they're BADDD!)

I've just escalated a dispute to a claim through Paypal. I've been offered 66% of my purchase price back from Dino Direct, but I don't believe for one second that if I agree I'll see any money at all.

Please; if you're thinking about buying anything from them: think again. Far better to go to ebay where at least the sellers have to worry about their feedback.

Never stand between a tree and a dog

Offline billy

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Re: NEVER, EVER, buy anything from Dino Direct
« Reply #1 on: Wed 07 Dec 2011 08:47:41 »
Thanks for the info - it is tempting at times to buy some of their products. Hell they can make ice cubes look good with their gimicky TV adds.

Offline Tomado

Re: NEVER, EVER, buy anything from Dino Direct
« Reply #2 on: Fri 20 Apr 2018 10:18:55 »
If you're thinking about buying ANYTHING from this internet seller; DON'T!!!

I could go into a long rant about them here, but unless anyone wants to know the details I won't. Suffice to say I bought 2 $100 bricks from them. Their 30 day money back guarantee is not worth the paper it's not written on. They will do anything they can to avoid refunding your money, regardless of how bad their products are (and believe me they're BADDD!)

I've just escalated a dispute to a claim through Paypal. I've been offered 66% of my purchase price back from Dino Direct, but I don't believe for one second that if I agree I'll see any money at all.

Please; if you're thinking about buying anything from them: think again. Far better to go to ebay where at least the sellers have to worry about their feedback.

Isn't It A Pity I wasn't in here back then  :D
Could've warned you about them.

Dino Records (I think even their HQ) are situated here in Holland somewhere and have had a bad reputation for donkey years
I know of a few serious Dutch record collectors, and whenever I mention Dino they go  >:(  (even if I meant the Barney Rubble one ;))


Offline Beergut

Re: NEVER, EVER, buy anything from Dino Direct
« Reply #3 on: Fri 20 Apr 2018 16:53:49 »
Probably companies not related Tom. This one was an importer of cheap Chinese crap that never worked.

Hopefully they are extinct now. But interesting that there are similar experiences with another company with the same name. Maybe we all just avoid anyone with Dino in their name...

Never stand between a tree and a dog

Offline Tomado

Re: NEVER, EVER, buy anything from Dino Direct
« Reply #4 on: Sat 21 Apr 2018 03:48:15 »
The Dutch one is still active and even has some sub labels...
Not sure about the Chinese one...
But  :( to say, Barney's pet Dino is even extinct :o
