Author Topic: Ugh ... Plastic Wrap  (Read 11292 times)

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Offline detour

Ugh ... Plastic Wrap
« on: Mon 04 Jan 2016 17:54:15 »
My pet hate is most forms of modern day plastic wraps; and especially the hard skrink-wrap they use with CDs these days or the sealed hard plastic casing on some small items. Why is it whenever you're excited and eager to open something you've just bought it's sealed up in clear plastic like Fort Knox and you just haven't got a pair of scissors or knife or set of keys handy. I ended up breaking an item recently struggling - cursing and swearing all the time - to rip open the plastic outer case with my bear hands. >:(
I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already ... :}

Offline Beergut

Re: Ugh ... Plastic Wrap
« Reply #1 on: Wed 06 Jan 2016 01:40:57 »
Even when you have something handy, half the time it just slides off the stuff. Those blister packs do me in .

On a similar note. I know I'm getting on in years, but I recently spent over 10 minutes trying to open one of those rolls of Vicks vapourdrops. And once I got the pack open, another 5 minutes trying to unwrap a single lozenge! They are definitely not designed for the oldies.

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