Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Ausrock Forums

Bit Quiet on here now

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Detour, that's a good point.. maybe this could be put as a thread somewhere... BUT WHERE?

And how do you make points / suggestions about what some of us see as (desirable / essential) FEATURES of a post - WITHOUT offending anyone's sensibilities??
That one is VERY tricky!!

Oh, and another "feature" or "element" that some of us would like to be made aware of is the VERSION of the source material.

For instance, when Murdoch Jr was handed the Festival portfolio and Mushroom evolved into FMR (Festival Mushroom Records) they set about re-issuing a lot of their back catalogue on CD. 
Previously (ca 1997) Mushroom had signed a distribution deal with SONY - and they too set about re-issuing Mushroom's back catalogue.

So now we have iterations of Mushroom albums on CD with a D series prefix code (Festival) AND the "MUSH" series (Sony) of releases.

Did they ALL use the same masters? Perhaps - I don't know (and I my ears would only distinguish major diffs anyway.) 

But that is not the point I am trying to make here.

If an uploader INCLUDES the source catalogue number in their post, then it gives me more information and enables me to better make the decision as to whether I want to listen to it or not.

Another example is Richard Clapton's album for Mushroom,  Solidarity [SEE,10835.0.html

Mushroom also made an INTERVIEW disc for the album [REF:
This had exactly the same packaging/presentation as the album, except for a typed sticker saying “Interview Disc”; the same catalogue numbers  BUT different MX numbers.

Imagine downloading that one and finding it was RC TALKING about the 10 songs, not singing them?   :-\

I think MORE information is a good thing - especially if it is accurate.

Lord knows, things disappear into the ether all too quickly these days OR gets swallowed up in the "Chinese whispers" that comes with our "cut and paste" habits.

Food for thought huh?

Oz  8)




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