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Bit Quiet on here now

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--- Quote from: Skids on Thu 22 Dec 2016 23:20:40 ---where have we all gone?
what are we all up to?
surely there is still new stuff coming out?
sadly CD's are on the way out just like Vinyl  :-[

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I reckon those bad (silent) days are gone now and a rainbow end's pot of gold shall appear soon, just look around and be patient...
But... don't wait too long


OK, I realize I am a bit late coming into this conversation... but this thread came up on my Recent Unreads click, SO... a couple of observations:

(1) Despite the fact that astute people with young eyes will quickly spot the SIZE of an upload and make the quantum cognitive leap that it is one thing or another (i.e. FLAC, 128kbps, 320kbps, wav, VBR or whatever) I would REALLY like to see it included in the SOMEWHERE search - title (or link or subject or whatever it is called here.)
WHY? Cause sometimes I search that way... AND you can NEVER have too much information!!
(it's WAY better than having none... and having to message people.)

(2 ) NOTHING lasts forever  :'(
Think back to how quickly technology is made obsolete - 8-track, cassette, vinyl, CD, and video cassettes - to name but a few.
We should all be mindful of that and not keep our fingers crossed that "the industry" will see a need and re-source a technology, as seems to be happening with vinyl. (Have you seen the PRICES they are charging for some of these current LPs!!!)

I have always thought that if you (that is me and you) are going to stay loyal to one form or another, then you have to make sure you have all the HARDWARE and the PERIPHERALS that allow that form to be used.
AND if it breaks down, you have to have access to someone skilled enough to repair it (and they need to have the parts!)

I was naiive enough the think this wouldn't happen in my lifetime.... that says something doesn't it?  ???

The world is a funny place... BIG BUSINESS will always find ways to make a buck. They tried USBs / flash drives for a while.

Currently (I think) on trend is STREAMING... mmm, no thank you, not for this little black duck!!

Did you know that Apple is shutting down its iTunes Music Downloads?

This isn't new news, but it may surprise some...




High OM  ;)

A byte curious to what you mean here with search title  ???
Do you mean @ the end of the title of the posting  ???

As you probably know @ MT2 I included it in the thread, @ the end of my zip file and as a name of the mapping that contains the music files and mostly in the song titles too.

Didn't think about size because downloading in Holland is/was faster and much cheaper than you guys have/had, and simply just didn't recognice this back then  ;D


Probably a discussion for elsewhere on the Forum; but I do agree with Ozmuse about accurately mentioning the file-type (FLAC, MP3, AAC etc) and the true bit rate. In the body of the post rather than the header is fine; as Tomado suggests.

One particular peeve of mine is downloading an archive where the tracks were purportedly MP3 @320 only to find they are 320VBR rather than 320CBR. Not the end of the world I know, but still a bit annoying. And don't get me started on some of those dodgy Russian music sites that regularly post trans-coded files  >:(

Personally, if it's an album I'm interested in I don't give a stuff about the format or bitrate - I really appreciate the effort in uploading - but it'd be good to know beforehand.

Tks  :)

Hector McFreckle:

--- Quote from: Dr Keats on Mon 23 Jan 2017 22:26:54 ---There were a few of those releases - the HeeBeeGeeBees album was another.

--- End quote ---

Hey Doctor.....was there a NEW HeeBeeGeeBees album in the past couple of years that I missed ?


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