Author Topic: Downloading shows from ABCs iView - Getting around new DRM  (Read 18497 times)

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Offline rainmangoestorockwiz

Well, this is kind of a winge, but i hope more of a constructive discussion on how to get around the ABCs obnoxious DRM, that they have unleashed of late on the iView website.  A few days ago I missed both Stan Grant's "Matter a fact" and "the world" and wanted to download them to my computer to watch at a place and time that suited me.  I tried both chrome's flash video downloader, and a command prompt alternative called youtube-dl.  I still have to try video-downloader in Firefox.  As of this moment, I've had no luck on downloading anything, Chromes flash downloader did download a 115 meg container file that was empty.  What the ABC is stubbornly not wanting to understand that it is perfectly legal for a person to download a show for format shifting, that is to download to a computer, then change the codec to watch on another device in another location.  Unfortunately Whirlpool where most of this discussion took place have been gagged by the copyright mafia, and any discussion regarding circumventing iViews DRM is immediately deleted.  It seems of late, the technique on downloading a show from iView has become very difficult to come by. 

« Last Edit: Thu 14 Jun 2018 17:11:17 by Newrace »
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Offline Newrace

Re: Downloading shows from ABCs iView - Getting around new DRM
« Reply #1 on: Thu 14 Jun 2018 17:02:59 »
This topic is ok in this section, we are not whirlpool or the copyright mafia, as long as you are viewing / using  it for personal use I see no problem with this thread. :punk: :rnr: :thankyou1: :Thumbup:)

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new !!!

Offline Beergut

Re: Downloading shows from ABCs iView - Getting around new DRM
« Reply #2 on: Fri 15 Jun 2018 22:05:36 »
Do any oF the various add-ins for chrome or Firefox work?

I've used several quite sucessfully on my compvuter over the years, even grabbing SBS Luke Nguen series or the railway man who travels with the old guide book. Unfortunately I'm typing this on an android tablet in Istanbul, I can't remember which add-on I currently use on the puter, and it will be a long time until I see my computer again.

Never stand between a tree and a dog

Offline rainmangoestorockwiz

Re: Downloading shows from ABCs iView - Getting around new DRM
« Reply #3 on: Sat 16 Jun 2018 16:52:46 »
Thanks, and yes, personal use, that is exactly my point, but the ABC have just gone ahead and assume that we are all content thieves and locked the site up like a fortress. 

Though I don't have high hopes, I've written a respectful letter on their facebook page asking for some compromise; at lease making their news and current affair shows available for download, like they did ten years ago with vodcasting.  We can only wait and see what happens. 

As for the programs themselves, whether I could download them or not, it seems the programs have disappeared, it looks like the abc delete shows after two days.
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Offline Newrace

Re: Downloading shows from ABCs iView - Getting around new DRM
« Reply #4 on: Sun 24 Jun 2018 00:36:48 »
I have been told TubeDigger and a few others programs work with the new ABC DRM. :punk:

The software listed are payed versions.

« Last Edit: Sun 24 Jun 2018 01:23:06 by Newrace »

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new !!!

Offline rainmangoestorockwiz

Re: Downloading shows from ABCs iView - Getting around new DRM
« Reply #5 on: Wed 21 Nov 2018 18:02:06 »
Just a quick reprise to this thread, and a thanx for all who responded, A few months ago I successfully started downloading off iView again, using a youtube-dl plug-in.  All I had to do is just update it and it now works like a beast.  I've been watching a lot of good stuff on those long train trips down the south coast of late, has made traveling a real breeeeeze. :)
Something different everyday, 17,000 tracks that Celebrate Hit History.
Now broadcasting 24/7 from the oasis that is the Royal National Park.

Offline gnowangerup

Re: Downloading shows from ABCs iView - Getting around new DRM
« Reply #6 on: Tue 11 Dec 2018 12:57:44 »
Hello rainman

May I please ask you what the plugin is called?

Kind Regards

Offline healthywealthybest

Re: Downloading shows from ABCs iView - Getting around new DRM
« Reply #7 on: Tue 25 Aug 2020 20:38:42 »
I use Allavsoft to download videos from abc iview, youtube, vimeo, twitter etc.
It is easy to use.
Simply copy and paste the video url to Allavsoft and click Download button.
You may get it from
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Offline gnowangerup

Re: Downloading shows from ABCs iView - Getting around new DRM
« Reply #8 on: Tue 15 Sep 2020 09:20:55 »
I use Allavsoft to download videos from abc iview, youtube, vimeo, twitter etc.
It is easy to use.
Simply copy and paste the video url to Allavsoft and click Download button.
You may get it from

Hello Healthywealthybest

A huge thankyou for your recommendation.  I have now got into the swing of things and are downloading shows beautifully.  With allavsoft I can even download other tv shows from other networks.  But on Channel 7 I can only download the Aussie shows like City Homicide, when I try and get some overseas shows like Cold Case it doesn't let me.  Have you ever tried getting anything other than Iview by any chance?