Author Topic: Oktoberfest  (Read 12164 times)

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Offline jink

« on: Sun 28 Oct 2018 12:13:29 »
Just checking back in again after experiencing an Oktoberfest in Germany.

Currently still in Europe.

Beergut, it’s true. It is one big party for adults, with lots of people having an awesome time, as you had mentioned.

No antisocial issues with huge numbers of people happily drinking on the streets of Munich.

Got to sit at various tables meeting locals and overseas visitors, enjoying the food, music and 1 litre glasses of beer.

MrPurser, I also visited the historical Hoffbrahaus (HB) along with the large Augustine Keller beer garden/house. Just surprised at seeing how much seating there was at the Keller with 6 000 seats.

All in all a memorable time.


Offline Beergut

Re: Oktoberfest
« Reply #1 on: Mon 29 Oct 2018 01:30:40 »
It's a great party alright Jink, and plenty of things on offer apart from the beer.

We were there 2 weeks before Oktoberfest, and driving to our apartment, when we passed the grounds and noticed the tents and sideshows being erected. I was a bit pissed that our GPS had taken us right into the heart of Munich and not around the edges on the ring route like I'd expected. Doubly so as we should have had a green environmental emissions sticker on our windscreen to be so close in; whith at the time we didn't. Still we got through unscathed.

We also visited Hofbrauhaus again, just off the town square. It was packed to the gills again, just like last time, but we eventually found a couple of spots on a table with Germans from Stuttgart. As you do on these occasions we became instant friends. It was great to sit and watch the Chinese and other Asian tourists walk in and see their jaws drop as they took in this uniquely German place. And to revel in my first rotisseried pork knuckle in 6 years. Bloody beautiful!

We also did the massive beer hall in the middle of the English Gardens, for yet another litre or two of beer and a second pork knuckle. All in all a great time to visit before the rush of Oktoberfest.

Glad you loved it mate: we did too last time. Just a little perplexed as to why you've put this in the "winge" section....

Never stand between a tree and a dog

Offline jink

Re: Oktoberfest
« Reply #2 on: Sun 23 Dec 2018 06:07:43 »

Just arrived back in oz via Dubai and Japan, to be greeted with all this wild weather, in Sydney, in the past few days and telemarketers telling me that my telstra connection will be cut off and the ATO threatening to arrest me!

See the hail in the video clip here - h**ps://

It was a long os trip, constantly being on the move, some of the memorable moments/places were,
Munich Oktoberfest - sneaking into the place, past security, behind some horses pulling wagons, as security had told my wife a few times that her handbag was too big, to be allowed inside.
Paris - buying beer at MacDonalds
Berlin - riding a bikes on the abandoned Tempelhof airfield
Dubai - visiting the Gold Souk area, in Al Ras, Diera. Gold everywhere with aggressive salespeople.
Dubai International Terminal 3 - Moving around in one huge place with inter-connected concourses. Takes about 40 minutes to walk from gate A to C.
Japan - Coming across wild monkeys in Nikko and seeing the autumn leaves.
Japan - Visiting the Yodabashi camera store in Akihabara. Eight floors of electronics. Saw an 8K TV in here.

..."winge" section
I could have sworn I had put it in a discussion thread