Not really a whinge, but a somewhat half a whinge I suppose

If some of you don't know this site already, it's called 45cat. Basically, it's a special archive or home for any 7" single that gets uploaded from anywhere in the world. It is one of my all time FAVOURITE sites to go to, very handy for release year info in particular. Anyone can join if they have something in their own collection to contribute or add. I've been a member there now for 3 years and I enjoy adding, uploading and showing off records from my collection

But lately I've run into a couple of hitches... somehow several of my images I've uploaded in the past had been edited by random people without me knowing about it. I find that part about the site extremely strange, some Joe Blow ably coming across my work I've already put in trimming it down and not saying a word. And no, there is no option anywhere to stop random edits from happening. It's all mod-incorporated. Not trying to make a big deal out of it, I just can't understand the necessity of the edits. Surely it's good courtesy for the editor to leave the uploader a note...

However, one of the mods was graceful enough to help me out and they suggested to message the name of the editor and find out their exact reason. Seems fair, though I already left a nice little message on the Comments board

Again, an absolute gem of a site but not without a couple hurdles along the way...

"Half-whinge" over.