Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Obituaries and Eulogies

RIP Peter Green


It was with great sense of loss that I just read of Peter Green's passing. The first line-up of Fleetwood Mac that he led was a major influence on my musical journey. All of their albums, but particularly their debut album "Fleetwood Mac", and singles "Black Magic Woman", "Albatross", "Oh Well" and "Man Of The World" are still essential listening for me.

He had his demons and challenges in life, so hopefully he is now at peace.

Sad news RAM the passing of another of my boyhood idols "Oh Well" was one of my favourite songs for so long and I still get tingles when I hear it. As you say he had his demons and hopefully he is at peace now.  :( :angel:


--- Quote from: deutros on Mon 27 Jul 2020 07:03:33 ---Sad news RAM the passing of another of my boyhood idols "Oh Well" was one of my favourite songs for so long and I still get tingles when I hear it. As you say he had his demons and hopefully he is at peace now.  :( :angel:

--- End quote ---
:iagree: Greeny is absolutely one of my boyhood idols too. A great guitarist and a much under rated vocalist.


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