Author Topic: Guardian Angel  (Read 10033 times)

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Offline punkinblue9

Guardian Angel
« on: Sun 06 Sep 2020 09:56:52 »
Anyone know who is singing this song?  New link Nov. 3, 2020
« Last Edit: Wed 04 Nov 2020 19:22:25 by punkinblue9 »

Offline SCG25

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Re: Guardian Angel
« Reply #1 on: Sat 31 Oct 2020 06:34:23 »
Can't download it, but if it starts "I feel I'm falling apart because you know I lost my guardian angel" then the band is Masquerade, 1983. They never made a video clip for the song, but there is a TOTP version floating around and a version from a German pop music show.

Offline punkinblue9

Re: Guardian Angel
« Reply #2 on: Wed 04 Nov 2020 19:08:10 »
Thanks, anyway, but it's not that one, although I do like Masquerade.  This one has more of a doo-wop feeling to it; although seems more 60s.  Starts off, Guaradian Angel, who makes dreams come true, where were you last night when I needed you.  Where were you, when my world fell apart and I was left with just a broken heart.  (Tried different titles but cannot find.)

Guardian angel, I long for her so.  I miss her kisses more than you know.  I miss the arms that held me tenderly.  All I have left is just a memory.  She was the only girl I ever loved.  Why did you let her get away.  Until I hold her in my arms again, I'll cry a million tears a day.

Guardian angel, who makes dreams come true, bring back my baby whatever you do.  Bring back the love I once saw in her eyes and let me live again in paradise.  And let me live again in paradise.  Ooh, let me live again in paradise.

Male singer has slight lisp, but wouldn't mind hearing more of his stuff.  Not sure when it was even recorded.

Offline Forrykook

Re: Guardian Angel
« Reply #3 on: Mon 23 Nov 2020 05:20:22 »
Yeah it's not the Masquerade one. I played it and Shazam doesn't know it. I might reinstall Genius. Maybe it mill know it.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.