Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Obituaries and Eulogies

R.I.P. - Des O'Connor



Sad news one gets so fragile at that age simple things can take you.  :(    I saw him way back in the seventies at the Parramatta Leagues Club here in Sydney. A group of us used to go there most Saturday Nights for a meal and a show. My mate who was the member there booked for us all this particular night we had turned up not knowing who we were going to see when mate who was Italian but had been here since he was a babe informed us we were seeing Des not our usual TMG or Ol' 55 fair I raised my eyebrows and asked him if he knew who he was and he said he had no idea. I explained who Des was and he said well we don't have to watch him and I said we're here we may as well, (not very enthusiastically). Boy was I mistaken in my assumption that it would be a boring night it turned out to be one of the most entertaining shows I'd seen.

I guess he is close to the last of the post WW2 entertainers who could cater for a varied audience, know how to work them, do a bit of comedy as well as singing, use the local showband etc. etc. The main song I remember from him (must have hit the Top 40 listings) was "Don't Get The Good Life Pass You By"  ... how true!!!!


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