Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Obituaries and Eulogies

R.I.P. - Leslie West (Mountain)

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I saw Mountain once at the Rainbow Theatre. They were awesome. I remember I missed my train, and had to catch one at 4am, and walk 2 miles in the snow. It was worth it tho'.

RIP The Great Fatsby.

Hearing "Mississippi Queen" and the "Climbing" album at a party is one of my lasting musical memories. I was absolutely blown away by it and was hooked. Then came "Nantucket Sleighride"... great memories indeed.


Back in the day for a short wonderful time I was in a band and as I sucked at playing guitar I ended up the singer and Mississippi Queen was a song I loved to sing I thought Leslie West and Mountain were the ants' pants will miss you Leslie RIP.  :( :( :( :vsad: :vsad: :vsad:

Sadly, the road goes ever on no more. Loved Mountain from the time Nantucket Sleighride came out, and wore that tape down to the point it was unplayable. The extra long live versions of the title track that have appeared on various live releases over the years continues to be played in regular rotation here. He was genuinely one of a kind.


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