Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Obituaries and Eulogies

R.I.P - Bobbie Thomas


Just discovered that Bobbie Thomas (later know as Rob Thomas and more recently Rob E Thomas died last month of brain cancer. Probably best known for Lavender Blue and That Lucky Old Sun with the Beaumen and Heatwave and Walk On with the Whispers. Started out in 1961 as lead vocalist with The Impacts who evolved into The Noturnes in 1962 and eventually the Whispers in 1964.

Read more here:

P.S. I made a number of posts of his material on Midoztouch / Midoztouch 2.

Thanks for the heads up Rusty... I hadn't heard of his passing.

"Lavender Blue" is a real favourite of mine from my teenage years and beyond.


--- Quote from: RAM on Thu 14 Jan 2021 00:34:08 ---
"Lavender Blue" is a real favourite of mine from my teenage years and beyond.

--- End quote ---

Same here Rob. I bought both it and That Lucky Old Sun as a teenager.


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