Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Obituaries and Eulogies

R.I.P. Patsy Ann Noble

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Just read in the media that Tricia Noble ( Patsy Ann Noble ) has passed at 78 after an 18 month battle with cancer - another favourite from the 60's gone to the big music hall in the sky  :(

Sad news indeed the only star I ever met my Mum and her mum were dancing teachers and I was in a Christmas pantomime (remember those) that she starred in I was about 8 I think.  :(

Hector McFreckle:
That IS very sad news, and that's awesome Deutros that you got to perform with Patsy Ann !

Bugger, she was great on Bandstand, and was also fab when she appeared a couple of times on The Benny Hill Show.

I also remember the episode on Dangerman when she's out on the pirate radio station.


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