Author Topic: Darrell Bath R.I.P. 27 September 2021  (Read 4650 times)

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Darrell Bath R.I.P. 27 September 2021
« on: Thu 30 Sep 2021 15:10:23 »
 :vsad:   Darrell Bath died 27 September 2021 (passed away in his sleep) was a British guitarist who, since picking up guitar in 1980, found a way onto the scene via local punk groups, leading to a stint with UK Subs ('87-90). The Vibrators .

Touring with Die Toten Hosen leads to forming The Crybabys with Honest John Plain (90-?). Joins The Dogs D'amour playing on top 30 album 'More Unchartered Heights of Disgrace' (93).

As the years progressed, he worked for Ian Hunter recording "Dirty Laundry" and "Artful Dodger" he tours with him until 2000. The following years saw him working with artists like Ed Tudor Pole and Nikki Sudden (R.I.P.), as well as releasing his own solo stuff 'Sabre Jet' (2000) and "Love and Hurt" (2001). :vsad:

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new !!!
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