Author Topic: File sharing  (Read 8715 times)

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Online peterpowerpop

File sharing
« on: Sat 17 Dec 2022 22:05:54 »
Not a winge so much as a cry for help...

I've been using for file-sharing for the last umpteen years and have had no problem at all.

Unfortunately, now when I finish uploading a file it tells me it's at 100% but it doesn't actually finish uploading. It's stuck at 100%.

While I try to figure out what's happening with, I have a pile of files still to upload and I'm on the lookout for a new file-sharing service where I can upload large files.

I've tried MediaFire, but it doesn't support interrupted uploads the way does.

I've also looked at Zippyshare, but it doesn't allow individual files over 500 MB.


Offline Guy

Re: File sharing
« Reply #1 on: Sun 18 Dec 2022 00:16:22 »
Hi Peter

I have noticed that some hosts say it is 100% uploaded but it is actually still doing its stuff in the background. 

Try opening MEGA up in another TAB, and then look at the FILE listing to see if it has actually uploaded.  If not then give it a few minutes and then refresh

Another thing - have you got  sufficient storage space remaining to accommodate the file (MEGA normally tells you when you're close to maxing out)

Otherwise, not sure what is going on. My account seems to be working fine.

The only other alternative (with no storage limits) is , although you need to alter the expiry date on your files every so often - but don't be greedy by putting in crazy dates as this pi$$e$ them off (I had my account wiped once because of this!)

Good luck
If it's AussieRockin', then feel free to come Knockin'

Online peterpowerpop

Re: File sharing
« Reply #2 on: Sun 18 Dec 2022 01:08:09 »
Hi Peter

I have noticed that some hosts say it is 100% uploaded but it is actually still doing its stuff in the background. 

Try opening MEGA up in another TAB, and then look at the FILE listing to see if it has actually uploaded.  If not then give it a few minutes and then refresh

Another thing - have you got  sufficient storage space remaining to accommodate the file (MEGA normally tells you when you're close to maxing out)

Otherwise, not sure what is going on. My account seems to be working fine.

The only other alternative (with no storage limits) is , although you need to alter the expiry date on your files every so often - but don't be greedy by putting in crazy dates as this pi$$e$ them off (I had my account wiped once because of this!)

Good luck

Thanks, Guy.

This 100%-uploaded-but-not-really thing with has only happened in the last week.

Way back when I started using, I originally had a 20 GB free account. When it filled up, I simply created another 20 GB free account using a different email address (thanks to Blur). At last count, I think I've had about 20-30 accounts. It's only this latest one where the uploading nonsense has occurred.

I've uploaded one file on my latest account and am halfway through a second one.

I'll wait until they're both (supposedly) uploaded, give it about an hour, log out, log back in, and then see what's what.

Onward and upward!
« Last Edit: Sun 18 Dec 2022 03:19:53 by peterpowerpop »