Author Topic: R.I.P. - Goran Fristorp (76)  (Read 3334 times)

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R.I.P. - Goran Fristorp (76)
« on: Wed 04 Sep 2024 09:16:59 »
Today, September 3, my beloved father Göran Fristorp fell asleep.
Just a month ago he stood on stage and performed a concert with a powerful voice at Byakrogen in Skillinge. A business.
Remembering and paying tribute to him by playing, and sharing and listening to his music.
He was so much more than that hit win in 1973 (although he was eventually reconciled by so many associating him with it, it's still an incredible song).
But also listen to all the other: Ferlinskivan, Frödingkivan, their own songs, Taube interpretations, Johannes Edfelt's poems composed, psalms, duets, earrings.
When he was at his very best, he was the best of all.