Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Obituaries and Eulogies

R.I.P. Dick Diamonde (Dingeman Adriaan Henry van der Sluijs)


I just read on the The Ian Turpie Go Show Facebook page, that The Easybeats’ bass guitarist Dick Diamonde, passed away last night at his home in Ballina. Apparently Dick had been ill for some time.

Now only Harry and Snowy of the original line-up, that were a huge part of my teenage years, are still with us.   

Rest in Peace.

Sad news Rob I was absolutely rapped in the Easybeats as a boy It's 2 Easy was one of the first albums I bought with my own money. The riches I earned working for the Chemist and the Milko.

Isn't snowy a bit older than the others. Just looked it up only a year older than Harry so the 2 oldest still surviving.


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