Author Topic: Standing on the outside. WTF  (Read 9879 times)

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Offline Whalanboy

Standing on the outside. WTF
« on: Mon 13 Apr 2009 07:17:56 »
 ??? By now all cold chisel fans will be aware of the garbage put out in the form of a tribute album titled standing of the outside. the songs of cold chisel. What the F**k posessed these people to think they could destroy these sacred songs. Paul Kelly can sing yet he just spoke the words to khe sahn, whats that about? There should be a law that states if you want to cover a song as a tribute then you should listen to the original and perform it in a similar style not just learn the words and proceed to murder the thing. This "tribute" was such a disgrace that i returned to my local music store and asked for my money back (they refused of course) so the album was deposited in the nearest garbage where it belongs.
Some people call themselves islanders , some people buy themselves an island but me, i live on the best island in the world, Australia. My final words are simple, MINES BIGGER THAN YOURS !

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Re: Standing on the outside. WTF
« Reply #1 on: Mon 13 Apr 2009 07:43:45 »
Yeah, it didn't even feature Jason Donovan on it anywhere - i wanted my money back too!  >:( >:( >:(

(Wait... put that shoe down Whalanboy, i'm only jokin! )  ;D
Eat your peas !! :)