Author Topic: For what we are about to receive....  (Read 40763 times)

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Offline Beergut

For what we are about to receive....
« on: Fri 26 Oct 2007 05:24:36 »
Now that we have a winge forum....

I'd like to know what others think about this, I admit, very minor issue. Should we say thanks for what we download?

Just personal observations from someone who usually, but not always, thanks the poster for something I download; and also usually, but not always, throws a karma point their way.

Reason I ask is that I'm not as prolific at uploading stuff as some, and I rarely repost links here from other sites. Partly that's because I'm on a very slow U/L link (11kps), but also because a lot of what I have is already available.

But occasionally there is something in your collection that you just have to share.

You rip it, clean it up, extend the dynamic range as best you can, convert to MP3 at high bitrate from the wav files, RAR it; and then spend about 2-3 hours uploading it to Rapidshare or similar.

You post the link, usually with some specially prepared artwork to tizzy it up, and sit back and wait.

And wait, and wait, as no one seems interested in your upload. You finally think no one wants Artist "A" or album "B" and decide not to upload any more.

But when you go back to your Rapidshare account you find that there have been a healthy number of downloads. What do you do now?

For me, if you don't get many replies to a post, I assume no one is interested. But the Rapidshare (or equivalent) figures show plenty of interest.

I don't think it's really a problem as such, but I'd like to hear any thoughts on this from those who upload and post a lot, and those who download a lot. What do you think?

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Offline Jaylee

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #1 on: Fri 26 Oct 2007 15:28:07 »
I can see what you are meaning here, i don't upload either as it takes me forever, but on odd occassions that you do it, i can understand one becoming discouraged thinking it wasn't appreciated.

Thankfully the rapidshare figures show you it actually was appreciated ... :) ... to answer your question,i do think a comment is in order if u find somebodys download usefull, although i must admit, i have found a download, and in my eagerness to get it before it dies, just put it on download while i have gone to do the washing or something, and when u get back to it, you are mostly faced with a rapidshare page and forget about the original poster, so i am probably guilty of this at times too, while i am not excusing it i can see how easy it happens.

Offline stranded

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #2 on: Fri 26 Oct 2007 16:25:14 »
Now that we have a winge forum....

I'd like to know what others think about this, I admit, very minor issue. Should we say thanks for what we download?

I just thought that's the normal thing to do.

Offline Bushwhacked

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #3 on: Sun 28 Oct 2007 20:18:06 »
I try to thank people when I download something they have put up.  Sometimes I will go and check the link to make sure it's working first, then forget to come back, but I always try to be good.

On the other side of the fence, you definitely like to see some thanks.  My uploads speeds are about half of yours I think, and it is a really painful task.  I don't care if I up something and only one person is grateful, at least I have helped one person out, but you hate to see all of that work for nothing.

Offline NiteOwl

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #4 on: Sun 28 Oct 2007 20:52:23 »
I have to agree with you Beergut - thankyou takes a second ... uploading and getting ready to upload takes hours.  I say thanks not only when I grab something from a post (which isn't as often as I'd like with a 5gb dl limit) but when I see something I know others would be interested in.

One of my Midnight Oil posts had something like 500 downloads - with not one thankyou before some ar$ehole had it deleted!

Speaking of deleted ... my pet peeve is spending hours uploading only to find that almost as soon as you post your links they're gone!
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Offline Bushwhacked

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #5 on: Sun 28 Oct 2007 23:11:31 »

Speaking of deleted ... my pet peeve is spending hours uploading only to find that almost as soon as you post your links they're gone!

That used to happen to me a lot.  I find a password and being creative with the rar file name, not using a full band and album name and that kind of thing - has helped stop that. 

Not sure if you do that or if it is helpful advice, but it might help someone.

Offline NiteOwl

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #6 on: Mon 29 Oct 2007 00:34:32 »
Oh yeah - I use creative titles and passwords - even put jpg's in ... at one stage everything I upped was being deleted as soon as I upped it ... I think RS had it in for me that week LOL
A word to the wize aint necessary ... its the stupid ones that need the advice!
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Offline Beergut

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #7 on: Mon 29 Oct 2007 03:41:12 »
I've tried a few alternatives to Rapidshare to try to slow down the delete problem, but find I still come back after a while. It's just much easier there to keep track of your uploads.

Also am very careful where I post now; usually just Ausrock. Although had a 4 part double CD that found its way onto the blog and had part 1 deleted very soon after. Ironic thing was the person I think reported it actually did say thanks, and probably downloaded all 4 parts before reporting it.

Problem with not saying thanks is, if you're using something like massmirror, it's hard to keep track of the uploads. You then think no one is interested, so don't bother posting anything by the same or similar artists.

One good thing about thanking posters is it gets your own post count up very quickly, and you get to be known and accepted by others on the board. Heck I've even been known to give karma to people who make a point of thanking others.

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Offline NiteOwl

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #8 on: Mon 29 Oct 2007 07:46:24 »
I *could* name 3 forums you should never post into if you want your uploads to stay up ... but we dont need a war LOL

I wish I could find another 24 hours a day to go through here properly (no monthly bandwidth limit would be just as good LOL) ... but when you own your own board (just a month ago I left my old partner and went out on my own), and admin on another (and you are a working mum etc etc etc), time just gets away from you.

You do get to know people when they interact on the board. Thanks are good, but so is getting involved with discussions. I have people on my board who have never posted a share, but they interact in other ways, and that makes your board time enjoyable ;)  You find some people will follow you from board to board too and kinda keep you company LOL

Oops - guess who strayed off topic LOLOLOL

A word to the wize aint necessary ... its the stupid ones that need the advice!
Bill Cosby


Offline Beergut

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #9 on: Fri 02 Nov 2007 04:26:41 »
Thanks Zedy, but this ain't really just about me or my uploads. I think it affects everyone who takes the time to put something rare up. Sometimes I wonder how Kel & Screamin feel when they post so much and quite often get no reply at all. I've seen Hector put some good stuff up, and not get a response.

So sorry if my wording made it sound a bit like a personal issue: it isn't. I just get the feeling that most people would post a lot more if they got a few simple words of encouragement in a thank-you post. And of course if they post more, then everyone is better off.

(I'm really grateful you're thankful for what I've put up though... flattery will get you everywhere!)

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Offline chb2281

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #10 on: Sun 04 Nov 2007 00:41:30 »
I have only just discovered rapidshare and other similar websites and would have to admit that I hav'nt left a thanks. After reading these posts you have made me aware of proper download etiquette. So consider me converted.  :-[

Offline Newrace

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #11 on: Sun 04 Nov 2007 03:48:37 »
Thanks Beergut :)

I just get the feeling that most people would post a lot more if they got a few simple words of encouragement in a thank-you post. And of course if they post more, then everyone is better off.

A simple thanks is all that is required...if you download something... that our great members have posted...say thank you. it does not he hurt.. :)

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Offline No_Exit

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #12 on: Sun 04 Nov 2007 22:26:19 »
Now that we have a winge forum....I'd like to know what others think about this, I admit, very minor issue. Should we say thanks for what we download?
Kenoath! It's just good manners. plus it gives the thread a bump for others to see that may have missed it.

In fact people not saying thanks when they grab stuff someone has posted just pisses me off, because if someone on the street slipped 'em a free CD they wanted, I'm sure they'd say thanks. Sheer laziness is all that is.


Offline Forrykook

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #13 on: Sun 20 Jan 2008 03:07:02 »
" the charge of not thanking the provider when you download good Aussie music, Forrykook... How do you plea?" Says the judge.

Aaaahhh, guilty as charged your honour, I reply.

Ok so I'm new to this type of thing. I've been downloading from P2P networks for years, mostly WinMX, and I ALWAYS try to send a message of thanks to the person I'm downloading from just for sharing their file. I've also been known to watch as one of my uploads nears completion and I send a message saying "You're welcome." So my point is that courtesy is important to me also, but when I downloaded stuff from Ausrock I just haven't done it. I promise I will track down the files and thank the providers. As I said, I'm new to this site and have only just recently joined up. Not quite sure how to go about contacting the uploaders but I will give it a go.

Also while I am in the "have a whinge" department... I have tried 4 times to upload an album but it keeps getting disconnected or something. Aaaargghhhh!!
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.

Offline Forrykook

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #14 on: Sun 20 Jan 2008 03:35:49 »
"forrykook sitting incorner with his hand up

"Sir, excuse me Sir, I've looked back at the albums that I've downloaded and I can't figure out how to thank the uploaders. I'm sorry Sir, I know I'm not worth a moment of your attention and I don't come up to your bootlaces. Sorry Sir, I'll go away now."

Ok, so we whinge about not being thanked but how does one go about doing so??
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.

Offline Beergut

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #15 on: Sun 20 Jan 2008 04:27:43 »
Simply post a thankyou in the thread containing the download. If you need any examples, just look at some of the posts Hector has made. While he has appaling music tastes  ;D he always thanks whoever posted the album he just downloaded.

That works for blogs and forums like Ausrock, but torrent sites or eMule, Limewire etc. are a different story. I don't know how to say thanks there.

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Offline Forrykook

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #16 on: Sun 20 Jan 2008 07:43:19 »
Sorry, pardon my ignorance. Not quite sure what that means. When you find a post in ausrock blogspot how do you find the "thread"? Where do you go to write a message? I can't seem to find any such links.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.

Offline Beergut

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #17 on: Sun 20 Jan 2008 21:01:10 »
Not sure what you mean either here. You press the reply button Forrykook. Just exactly like you have done to post in this thread. The "thread" is simply the topic you are viewing. Like this "thread" is called "For what we are about to recieve"

You find something you like and download it; hit reply at the same time and say thanks for the music. Believe me, it's simple! If you can post an "I don't understand"; you can post a "thanks!".

In the Ausrock blog, just post a comment.
« Last Edit: Mon 21 Jan 2008 05:37:20 by Beergut »

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Offline No_Exit

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #18 on: Mon 21 Jan 2008 06:03:37 »
but torrent sites or eMule, Limewire etc. are a different story. I don't know how to say thanks there.
Public torrents i wouldnt bother saying thanks, some of my torrents have been leeched 10's of thousands of times (then probably re-upped by someone else who knows how many times) and there aint not one single thanks.
The only thanks i have gotten is usually from the original person who requested it and a couple of others that may have grabbed it @ the original place i posted it before people or webspiders started whacking up my torrents all over the place and they take a life of there own. But thats thanks enough for me.

So in short i say this. if you grab it from someone via a forum/blog/private tracker or something say thanks, after all its more of a community, but if you grab it off a dumpsite like mininova/torrentspy/bt-chat or something then i wouldnt bother.


Offline motcher76

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #19 on: Mon 21 Jan 2008 06:17:59 »
So in short i say this. if you grab it from someone via a forum/blog/private tracker or something say thanks, after all its more of a community, but if you grab it off a dumpsite like mininova/torrentspy/bt-chat or something then i wouldnt bother.

Yep; I'd agree wholeheartedly with that.

"... Before you judge a man, first walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who gives a damn. He's a mile away and you've got his shoes!!..."   ;D

Offline Forrykook

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #20 on: Thu 24 Jan 2008 15:31:45 »
Ok, I must be completely brainless or I am looking at something different to what you're talking about. I go to There at the top is Madder Lake - Still Point. COOL!! I click the still point link, it goes to Megaupload where I type in some digits and wait 1.8 mins or some such etc etc. Where the hell is this "thread" and where is the reply button. I can't see them.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.

Offline Newrace

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #21 on: Thu 24 Jan 2008 20:58:35 »
On the Ausrock blog, you will see a comments link, there you can use it to say thanks...see Image

Ok, I must be completely brainless or I am looking at something different to what you're talking about. I go to There at the top is Madder Lake - Still Point. COOL!! I click the still point link, it goes to Megaupload where I type in some digits and wait 1.8 mins or some such etc etc. Where the hell is this "thread" and where is the reply button. I can't see them.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new !!!

Offline Beergut

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #22 on: Thu 24 Jan 2008 21:00:34 »
OK Forrykook; firstly, you're not completely brainless at all  ;) (and it's good to have a bit of a stirrer in our midst); and my initial post was intended to be confined simply to this forum. Period. Here it's easy, you just post a thanks like you and many others have already done.

Over time this topic has become more generic, and includes blogs, torrents etc. We all understand and acknowledge that you can't always say thanks; but our point here is that you should whenever you can. Here's how you do it on the Ausrock BLOG.

As you pointed out the top post on the blog is Madderlake. The bottom half of the post looks something like this:

Mick Fettes - Vocals
Jack Kreemers - Drums
Brendon Mason - Guitar
Kerry Mckenna - Bass
John Mckinnon - Keyboards
Andy Cowan - Keyboards

01 Salmon Song
02 On My Way To Heaven
03 Helper
04 Listen The Morning Sunshine
05 Goodbye Lollipop
06 Song For Little Ernest
07 12lb Toothbrush

Although this did come out on CD at some stage, this is a 320 LP rip
Still Point

Posted by skids at 8:54 AM 0 comments Links to this post

The "0 Comments" part, highlighted in red above, is what you are looking for. In this case obviously no one has yet left a comment, but other posts in the blog do have many comments. From memory a Little River Band post had almost 30 comments. Click on this to leave a comment or a thankyou. If you're on firefox like me, a new window will open to allow you to post a reply. If you go back through some of the older posts on the blog and click on some that do have 1 or more comments you may find an occasional thanks. But they are rare. Usually it's someone wanting another album by the same artist.

Hope this clears up some of the confusion mate.

Never stand between a tree and a dog

Offline Beergut

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #23 on: Thu 24 Jan 2008 21:02:53 »
Bugger! Took too long to type my reply and got beaten to the punch....

Hopefully the piccy from Newrace and my long winded explanation will see you through.

Never stand between a tree and a dog

Offline Forrykook

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #24 on: Thu 24 Jan 2008 21:51:55 »
Thanks heaps for that Beergut and Newrace. I had already done that for Electric Pandas, (CDsearcher I think posted that), but thought you guys were talking about some thing else that I couldn't find. Will now have to track down other stuff I've downloaded and do the same. Will the poster have to randomly find and read the comments to see his thanks or does he get emailed whenever a new comment is made on his post?

I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #25 on: Mon 28 Jan 2008 22:53:21 »
Just good manners to say thank you if you use or attempt to use a link to something you wish to down load.

Offline victitan

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #26 on: Sat 19 Apr 2008 02:03:33 »
Mr Gut

I agree with you wholeheartedly. As an avid downloader with little worth sharing I think the least I can do is say thanks. Good manners and I think the effort really does deserve appreciation although I am not as prolific on the thanks as I could be I must admit but I do try  ;D

Cheers on a great post
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Offline Austwiz

Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #27 on: Sat 19 Apr 2008 19:06:34 »
The *bump* aspect of thanks is a valid one too.
You not only express appreciation, you also put their topic back to the top AND you get more exposure for music you think is good.
So say something when you grab something you like  ;D

Offline wm2007

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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #28 on: Tue 29 Apr 2008 16:41:46 »
by coincidence, last night i finally saw the movie "the proposition," written by nick cave.  today i noticed this topic.  those who have seen the film will understand the trepidation i felt as i opened the thread....
(for those who haven't, suffice it to say the climactic explosion of brutality and murderous violence begins immediately after these very words of thanksgiving).


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Re: For what we are about to receive....
« Reply #29 on: Wed 03 Sep 2008 06:36:41 »
Why Not Post A thank You
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