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The Fair Dinkum, Ridgy Didge, Dinky die, True Blue, Australian Quiz!

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i got the same as Newrace , got a little confused on the last question , toey i though it ment sex  ???

LOL @ screamin ... glad you all liked the quiz, I thought it was interesting


--- Quote ---Summary
Correct answers: 17
Incorrect answers: 3
Comment: You'll be apples! Well... nearly anyway.
You will communicate fairly effectively with the native population, but they will still mutter "bloody yank" when you walk out of the pub.
--- End quote ---

Didn't know "Having a mag", "Humping a Bluey" or "Stodged" (I could have sworn my mates all used that one to refer to inoxication)

Correct answers: 20
Incorrect answers: 0
Comment: You're a bottler, mate!
You are a fair dinkum, ridgy didge, dinky die, true blue, dyed-in-the-wool Ocker-like strine speaker. Well bugger me, you could probably even play a didgeridoo and know the proper way to twirl a billy. Goodonya. Get us another stubbie while you're up, will ya... and have one yourself while you're at it!


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