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BON SCOTT singing "back in black" ?

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I am informed by a pretty reliable authority that it is a hoax. Love to hear it though. Go on, rip it to MP3 :)


Tripper, if you paid that much for the vinyl. and I certainly am NOT saying that you didn't; and this thing is as rare as it seems to be; dont YOU think you need to back it up somehow?


--- Quote from: Beergut on Wed 08 Oct 2008 05:18:10 ---Tripper, if you paid that much for the vinyl. and I certainly am NOT saying that you didn't; and this thing is as rare as it seems to be; dont YOU think you need to back it up somehow?

--- End quote ---

back it up to Ausrock  ;)

Hector McFreckle:

--- Quote from: kelvin1962 on Thu 09 Oct 2008 04:49:31 ---back it up to Ausrock  ;)

--- End quote ---

Yeah, we promise we won't d/l it though!  :D ;)


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