Ow langwig is wot seperates us from the aminals. withowt it wee wood stil be draging owr nukkles on the dert and swingin in the chrees. yoo see bad spellink evriwear shop sines, noospapers, thees forums, (even the very title of this wun). how hard is it to look at what yoo,ve wrote and reed it? I even heer noos reeders on the tv mispronouncing werds. Hav a lissen tonite. thay will say "alect" instead of elect, anough instead of enough, aleven instead of eleven.
Mi's used' apostrophe's i's one of my pet peeve's. Look around at the sign's in your town. Theres apostrophe's everywhere. I see a sign, for example, that says "Mobile dog wash. We wash your dog's." I wonder what the next word is. There should be a next word. Because everybody should know that you use an apostrophe for ownership, NOT for plurals. So they're going to wash my dog's WHAT?? His balls, his tail only?? WHAT?? Plurals do not have apostrophes. One dog - two dogs. You can use an apostrophe on a plural, after the "s", if there is ownership involved. The dog's dish is dirty. One dog, one dish, the dog owns the dish. The dogs' dishes are dirty. More than one dog, more than one dish, the dogs own the dishes.
Phew, glad we got that sorted.