Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

No Underbelly in Melbourne !!

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All episodes available as Xvid HD download through torrents - or get your friends on holiday interstate to pick you up a boxed uncut copy - $50-00 at Big W....  Noted on the news as the highest selling DVD of all time in Aus... Channel 9 will be laughing all the way to the bank.. Bet Judge B will be on a contrat with nine to do a judge Judy Aussie style....

is the dvd worth the buy?

If you really like the series or haven't seen it it's worth buying the dvd set, however I thought the series on the ABC Blue Murder was better.

Really Top Series

You Can Download It From Or Mininova.

Dr Keats:
The DVD's worth it:
a) so you can see ALL the episodes,
b) so you can see it unedited,
c) so you can see it without ads, "banners", voice-overs, and annoying "split-screen" credits...

Got mine off eBay a few months back, dirt-cheap - eBay go through once a day, nuke the listings as soon as they find 'em, so a "Buy It Now" is the only way - be quick!!

Knowing that the listings will be cancelled, people deliberately make bids they know they won't have to honour - in one day, I saw copies at $35,000, $50,000, and $65,000!

Mind you, I still prefer "Division 4" and "Matlock Police"....


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