Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

No Underbelly in Melbourne !!

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Hector McFreckle:
Yeah thought of that Beergut, but my Uncle is sending a DVD across from your part of Oz anyway. Someone said in the Herald Sun yesterday that it finally gave Melburnians a good reason to move to Adelaide! HeHe  ;D ;D LOL 

Maaaaaate! Everyone knows that the best thing to come out of Melbourne was the road to Adelaide anyway!  ;D ;D

Although with the car race on here next weekend getting around is going to be murder for the next week.

As I said, the little I saw looked pretty good, so hope the DVD arrives OK. Like you I don't watch too much TV: too busy downloading and listening to good Oz muzak.

Don't think Melburnians (???) have to see
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streets on the telly, just open the door and walk down the street to see any trouble ..... I can assume .... no offence!

BTW... It's a good watch!

Hector McFreckle:
LOL  ;D ;D ;D

Hector McFreckle:
Yeah, i've seen 'em all now. You're right Doctor, I don't think episodes 11 & 13 had completed production before they were leaked. Apparently something like 57% of Melburnians have now seen (or currently watching) the series on bootleg DVDs or online. Channel 9 must be crying over this!  :)


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