Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Ausrock Forums

Contributing Music

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www.adrive is free and easy to use....try it ;D

Hey thanks for this thread. I have a reasonable collection of CD's that I'm staring to upload to Rapidshare, and was wondering which section of this forum should I post links for these files.

Upload via a website like

You upload the file once and select up to 4 mirrors you want to mirror the file to. asapload (or whatever you prefer to use) will upload it to all 4 sites for you, saving you a lot of bandwidth and time.

You don't need to sign up, create accounts or do anything fancy.

Thanks tripper, nice and simply explained .....  :) :)

Yeah zip and rapidshare seems to be the way to go,I am currently setting up a rapidsahre account and going to try and upload some music.


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