Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Ausrock Forums

Contributing Music

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Hector McFreckle:

--- Quote from: Skids on Fri 13 Jun 2008 02:56:57 ---ummm..... are you trying to upload a folder from "my music"? or is the file  a .rar or .zip file

--- End quote ---

Yeah Voulamay, as Skids is suggesting, you need to 'zip' up the selected mp3s into a .rar or .zip file first, and then upload that zipped folder - unless there's some other problem??

Ok,  was trying to upload a file (folder).

I will play around with the "zip" or "rar" form and see how I go.


Hector McFreckle:

--- Quote from: Voulamay on Fri 13 Jun 2008 08:57:32 ---Ok,  was trying to upload a file (folder).

--- End quote ---

I used to fall for the same trap. Sing out if you need any help!  :)

Thanks for your help Guys  :)

Made my 1st post in the bootleg section.......The Celibate Rifles.......hope it works  :),5334.0.html

maybe some one can make a tutorail so for future refrence il have a go at this soon


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