Author Topic: Can you identify this song  (Read 13810 times)

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Offline biGtop

Can you identify this song
« on: Fri 12 Jul 2024 23:30:25 »
Could someone please identify the song played by the fiddler in the pub scene at the end of The Sweeney 2 movie.
I heard it numerous times on the Radio during the 70's but never knew what it was called..

It was  filmed it off the TV screen with my phone, so it sounds a bit tinny.
Thanks for looking.


Offline biGtop

Re: Can you identify this song
« Reply #1 on: Sat 13 Jul 2024 00:45:46 »
Looks like i've found the answer,,, after fruitless searches on Google and other engines,, i tried Kagi and basically described the last scene in the film and got a result where someone else was asking the same question
I have added the two links, for those interested.

Thanks for looking anyway people.           

second link won't work when copied, so did a screenshot instead