Author Topic: Karma points Please read  (Read 21432 times)

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Offline Newrace

Karma points Please read
« on: Fri 22 Jun 2007 00:35:12 »
Karma is a built-in function within Ausrock Forums that allows a person to award and be awarded points for good forum postings.

The karma points (or cookies as some people call them) are listed on the left side of every member post, under their Member ID, Title and Stars. The format looks like this:


If you press that button on a person's post, their Karma count will increase by one. Some people call this giving a person a karma cookie.

There is a limit on granting karma. You may only award a person a single applaud within a one hour period.

Finally, the spirit of karma here at Ausrock is to show appreciation for a post that a person has made. If you feel that a certain post is above average or especially helpful, then hit that applaud link under the member's id for that post and award them a cookie.

 :) :)

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new !!!