Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

iPirates face jail time in customs frisk

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I buy all of my CD's so I have nothing to worry about ;D


--- Quote from: Newrace on Wed 30 Jul 2008 18:01:14 ---I buy all of my CD's so I have nothing to worry about ;D

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That's not gonna help, from what I read.  There's nothing to differentiate what you've ripped from your purchased CD and what you've downloaded, so you're a goner either way.

If that stoopid law does come to pass.....I just can't wait till the first Recording/Entertainment Industry executive gets pinged... ;D


--- Quote from: gazzastapo on Thu 31 Jul 2008 06:58:48 ---If that stoopid law does come to pass.....I just can't wait till the first Recording/Entertainment Industry executive gets pinged... ;D

--- End quote ---
Agreed.  How quickly would the recording industry hob-knobs jump up and down if the Customs guys went through Gudinski's iPod and drilled him?  Also, how much chance do you think someone like Molly M. would have of passing a mp3 screening test?  It's absolutely stupid, and hopefully the idiots who thought of the idea wake up to themselves and come out with the statement, "Sorry, we were just joking".

They're wasting their time, they would have to prove that the copies are not just your own 'Backups'.


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