Author Topic: The Dreaming Festival  (Read 12693 times)

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Offline bob

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The Dreaming Festival
« on: Thu 22 May 2008 04:57:20 »
I just posted this on my blog for anyone who's interested
about the largest indigenous festival in Australia thats held
just 45 mins drive north of where I live,
not must use to the rest of you I'm afraid.
The big news is No Fixed Address are reforming and
playing. Because I'm lazy I've copied the post below.

The dreaming festival held over the June long weekend (6,7,8 &9th)
is fast coming up.
Australia's largest Indigenous arts Festival is being held for the
4th time, at the Woodford Folk Festival site, 1 hour north of Brisbane.
The Dreaming is a vibrant, exciting and a valuable destination where
local, national and international audiences look forward to their
annual ceremony time along with the most comprehensive showcase
of Indigenous arts from across the country and around the world.
This three day and four night festival, features performing arts
venues, bars, Ceremony grounds, traditional healing, galleries,
rituals, campfire story circles and a mass of stalls, workshop avenue
and food outlets.
Presented by the Queensland Folk Federation ,the program also
includes film & literature components, performing arts, new media
and digital technologies, food & wine fare, comedy, ceremony,
exhibitions, performance artists, physical theatre, Visual arts,
craft workshops, music program, street performers, musicals
and a youth program.
I'm very excited because "No fixed Address" are reforming for 3
performances, its a fantastic program even without that.
I hope to make it on Saturday and take my 3 young boys, I
consider it part of their education.
It should be an excellent time and I would encourage all you
readers in the South East Queensland Area to think about
going to this world class festival in your backyard.

Check out their web site

ciao bob

Offline bob

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    • that striped sunlight sound
Re: The Dreaming Festival
« Reply #1 on: Tue 10 Jun 2008 01:40:23 »
Ive posted on my blog about my impressions, with some photos from
the dreaming festival this weekend, I was up there at Woodford on
Saturday and managed to see No Fixed Address play as well as a
few others. This festival has the original members of  No Fixed Address
together on stage for the first time since 1982,
I have some brilliant photos from this amazing band.
Check it out at
ciao bob