Need some inspiration?? Here's a whole heap of Aussie words:-
Ankle biter Small Child
Arvo Afternoon, "I'll be there this arvo."
Agro Aggrivated, angry
Away with the pixies Daydreaming
Aussie (pronounced Ozzie) Australian
Back of beyond Way away from civilisation
Barrack Root for, cheer, "I barrack for the Magpies."
Bathers Swim trunks
Billabong Watering hole
Billy A metal can to boil tea over a fire
Biscuits / Bikkies Cookies
Bitumen Asphalt road
Bloke Man
Blowies Blow flies
Bum The part of you that sits on a chair, your bottom.
Bush Land outside the city
Bush telegraph The town gossip
Car park Parking lot
Chips French fries
Chook Chicken
Chrissie Christmas
Cockie Farmer
Cocky Cockatoo
Cuppa Cup of tea or coffee
Dag Amusingly uncoordinated, "he's such a dag"
Daks Underpants
Dinki-di Something good from Australia
Dilly bag Small food bag or carry bag
Digger Australian soldier
Didgeridoo Aboriginal wind instrument
Dob (in) Snitch (most Australians won't)
Dunny Toilet
Engaged (phone) busy, "the phone is engaged."
Fair dinkum Someone or something genuine
Fairy Floss Cotton candy
Footy Australian Rules Football
Fred Nerk Someone imaginary, "I suppose Fred Nerk did it?"
G'day Australian for hello
Good on ya Good job, good for you
Great Australian wave Swatting flies away from your face
Grog Alcohol
Give way (traffic sign) Yield
Happy as Larry Very happy
Icy pole Popsicle
jelly jell-o
Joe Bloggs Mr average citizen, John Doe
Journo Journalist
Jumper Sweater
Kit A pack with your belongings
Lollies Candy
Lift Elevator
Mackers / Macka D's McDonald's
Mate Friend
Matilda Sleeping bag or roll
Milk bar Convenience store
Mozzie Mosquito
Mum and dad Mother and father
Nappy Diaper
No worries No problem at all
Nong Idiot, "you nong!"
Ooroo Goodbye
Oy! Hey!
Oz Australia
Panel beater Auto body shop
Petrol Gasoline
Prezzies Presents
Push bike Bicycle
Rellies Relatives
Rubber Pencil eraser
Sacked Fired from your job
Scones (short O) Biscuits
My shout I'll pay this time
Singlet Undershirt or tank top
Stickybeak Nosy person
Snag Sausage
Shonky A questionable deal
Swag Canvas bag for your belongings
Ta Thanks
Tea Dinner
Tucker Food
Tuckshop School cafeteria or snack shop
Ute Utility vehicle, pickup truck
Whinge Complain all the time, "what's he whinging about now?"
Woop Woop A long way from civilisation
Yobbo Redneck
You Right? May I help you? Do you need anything?
Barbie Barbecue, the backyard barbie, an Australian institution!
Barney Argument,fight
Betcha I bet you!
Big bikkies Lots of money
Big smoke The city
Blue Argument, fight
Bonza Great!
Boofhead Idiot
Bozo Idiot
Brekkie Breakfast
Buckley's No chance!
Bunyip Mythical Australian creature with a piercing cry
Bush Outside the city
Choof off Leave, depart
Chuck To throw, or be sick
Chuck a spaz Be angry (Also 'chuck a mental')
Chuck a U-ie Make a U-turn
Cobber Mate, friend
Croweater Person from South Australia >
BeergutDead horse Sauce
Dero Homeless person, derilict, hobo
Dill Idiot
Drongo Idiot
Earbash Non-stop chatter
Esky Insulated cooler box
Face Fungus Moustache or beard
Fleabag Term for the family dog (non-pedigree)
Goog Egg
Grog Alcohol
Grouse Very good, cool!
Idiot box Television
Kark it Die
Olds/Oldies Parents
Ridgy-didge Genuine, honest
Rip-snorter An excellent thing
Sheila General slang term for an Aussie female
Squiz Have a look at
Yobbo Loudmouth
Zeds Sleep; 'stack some Zzzz's'
Looking at these, i wonder how people even understand us!