Author Topic: Do-Gooders have gone too far  (Read 21245 times)

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Offline Forrykook

Do-Gooders have gone too far
« on: Fri 18 Apr 2008 19:56:28 »
Yesterday in the Gold Coast Bulletin was an article claiming that teachers are "being urged to stop using terms such as husband and wife when addressing students and families under a major anti-homophobia push in NSW schools."


Apparently they also can't say "girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse".

"Schools are coming under pressure to provide lessons for gay, lesbian and transgender students and stack their libraries with books and videos covering their issues."

THIS IS RIDICULOUS. Political correctness gone absolutely nuts. I could just go on about this but anyone who still has their head screwed on the correct way and not rammed up their back sides will see my point that this is stupid. What is the world coming to?

I can see the athletics carnivals of tomorrow and I pity the poor sod who gets the marshalling job.
"13 years old persons with traditional male genitalia who are attracted to persons of female gender please line up at the 100m sprint area. 13 years old persons with male genitalia whom are attracted to other male persons please line up behind them. 13 years transgender "she-male" persons please also report to this area. 13 years persons who are bisexual and like it both ways, please line up at whichever end of the track you like as you can run in either direction as you please."

Heaven help us!!
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.

Offline screamin

Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #1 on: Sat 19 Apr 2008 00:12:12 »
I must agree , these people need to get out and get a life

Offline Austwiz

Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #2 on: Sat 19 Apr 2008 01:39:45 »
yes, the only anti- I am is Anti-Fucking-Idiot and this sort of thing falls squarely within that category.

Thankfully I read somewhere that the teachers refused to go along with this crap (BTW, mom, dad, etc were also on the hit list!)

Offline victitan

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Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #3 on: Sat 19 Apr 2008 01:55:57 »
Yep agree with this thread entirely. I read that article and was shocked that political correctness has been allowed to go so far. Which reminded me of watching an episode of Kingswood Country a couple of weeks ago.
There is no way that show would make it to air in the current climate of political correctness. But no one really understands they??
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Offline Beergut

Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #4 on: Sat 19 Apr 2008 03:23:18 »
A bit like Father Christmas school in ole Adelaide last hear where the potential Santas were strongly discouraged from saying Ho Ho Ho! (Ho is apparently a derogatory term for a female person in the good old USA; but no one in Australia knew that.) These would-be Santas were even threatened with no work contracts if they refused to comply.

Instead they were strongly encouraged to say He He He.

Fortunately the local press got hold of it and virtually made the Santa school such a laughing stock that they were forced to backpedal furiously.

But just where does all this madness end? England discourages Christmas celebrations for fear of "offending" other religions. Do any of us feel offended by various religions practicing their beliefs?

Gimme a break here.... I'm 1000% behind you Forrykook

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Offline bob

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Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #5 on: Sat 19 Apr 2008 03:59:05 »
This reminds of this article I read the other day in the Australian.
Now these views don't reflect mine and I don't like guns,
But I find it kind of funny.
This is from the Courier Mail.
ciao bob

Lesbians accuse gun activist Ron Owen of vilifying gays

By Glenis Green

April 01, 2008 12:00am

CONTROVERSIAL gun lobbyist Ron Owen is being taken to court by a group of lesbians who allege he has breached the Anti-Discrimination Act by publicly vilifying gay people.
The case, set for hearing from Thursday, could have landmark repercussions based on Mr Owen's use of the Bible, the Koran and the Jewish Torah for his defence, along with a "freedom of speech" defence.

The case is being brought by Rachelle Menzies, Tina Coutts, Rhonda Bruce, Sue Turner and lesbian group "Women 2 Women" through Brisbane's Caxton Legal Centre.

Mr Owen, who failed this month in his tilt at the mayoralty of the new Gympie Regional Council after spending four years as a Cooloola Shire councillor, owns a gun shop in Gympie and is a former president of the National Firearm Owners of Australia and publisher of ultra right-wing pro-militia magazine Lock Stock & Barrel.

Never one to hide his political incorrectness, Mr Owen has sparked controversy over the years for an allegedly anti-gay stance dating to when he was at the forefront of volatile protests against the 1997 national gun buyback scheme, in the wake of the Port Arthur massacre.

Back then he sold bumper stickers which said such things as "Register Poofters, not Guns", "Gay Rights. The only rights gays have is the right to die (Lev 20: 13)" and "Animal Vivisection is Cruel – use the morally degenerate instead".

The issue became public in 2005 during his term in council, when fellow councillor Peter Cantrell asked Mr Owen how he could claim to be a champion of the underdog and protector of the downtrodden and still display an anti-gay sticker on his car.

Mr Owen's reported reply was: "That's because I probably don't class gays as humans."

The ensuing uproar even caught the attention of then premier Peter Beattie, who blasted Mr Owen for his "appalling, embarrassing, outrageous and un-Christian comments".

Mr Owen said he would strenuously defend himself at this week's Anti-Discrimination Tribunal hearing, relying on the right to free speech as well as ancient scripture which condemns homosexuality.

Mr Owen said he would argue in his defence that if religious books expressed a general philosophy with which he agreed then the people who printed, published and distributed those printed words should also be respondents in the case.

He said it was the fourth attempt to bring him before the Anti-Discrimination Tribunal over the issue, with other actions having been thrown out before they reached the hearing stage.

Offline busbydaze

Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #6 on: Sat 19 Apr 2008 04:00:04 »
Me smells media beat up.
Who was it who sung "don't believe da hype"


Offline Jaylee

Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #7 on: Mon 05 May 2008 02:09:44 »
It is absolutely ludicrious, when i was at school, we had a midget in our class, her nickname (even from parents and the teachers) as well as the kids, was Midgie.

She loved it, and as far as everybody was concerned that was her name. Could you ever imagine that happening now?

Them was the good old days !!!!!!

Offline zdsc

Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #8 on: Wed 07 May 2008 06:04:46 »
What's more frustrating is that this sort of thing makes the situation worse.

Say someone is ambivalent towards gay people.  Then they hear that "because of gay people", stupid ideas like this are put into action.  Then they have a reason to feel hostile towards gay people. 

It's the same in England with the Christmas things, as has been mentioned.  As far as I know, Islamic people in England don't have a problem with Christmas.  Someone decides on their behalf that it might offend them, Christmas as a term is sidelined and then English people get angry at Islamic people because they think they've caused "Christmas" to be removed.

It's baffling that there are such stupid people in positions of power. 

Offline gazzastapo

Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #9 on: Wed 07 May 2008 09:53:09 »
what pisses me off most about that article Bob put that it's my bloody tax dollars that are funding this crap. the Caxton Legal Centre is Govenment funded.
Take Out Your False Teeth Momma....I Wanna Suck On Your Gums!!!....

Offline busbydaze

Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #10 on: Wed 07 May 2008 19:13:56 »
Isn't the Caxton Legal Centre available to everyone? Therefore it should be government-funded.

Rob Owen is a gun-totin' god-botherin' lunatic, and if there is a fight between him and the lesbians, I am 'rooting' for the sisters.

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Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #11 on: Thu 08 May 2008 04:08:52 »
Its true Ron Owen's a lunatic,but aint he funny.
An we have loads more where he came from here in Queensland.
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ciao bob

Offline gareth

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Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #12 on: Sun 25 May 2008 04:52:37 »
Yesterday in the Gold Coast Bulletin was an article claiming that teachers are "being urged to stop using terms such as husband and wife when addressing students and families under a major anti-homophobia push in NSW schools."


Apparently they also can't say "girlfriend, boyfriend or spouse".

"Schools are coming under pressure to provide lessons for gay, lesbian and transgender students and stack their libraries with books and videos covering their issues."

THIS IS RIDICULOUS. Political correctness gone absolutely nuts. I could just go on about this but anyone who still has their head screwed on the correct way and not rammed up their back sides will see my point that this is stupid. What is the world coming to?

I can see the athletics carnivals of tomorrow and I pity the poor sod who gets the marshalling job.
"13 years old persons with traditional male genitalia who are attracted to persons of female gender please line up at the 100m sprint area. 13 years old persons with male genitalia whom are attracted to other male persons please line up behind them. 13 years transgender "she-male" persons please also report to this area. 13 years persons who are bisexual and like it both ways, please line up at whichever end of the track you like as you can run in either direction as you please."

Heaven help us!!

hmmm...on that basis perhaps you should rephrase "Political correctness gone absolutely NUTS! " to something less gender-specific !:P

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Re: Do-Gooders have gone too far
« Reply #13 on: Wed 03 Sep 2008 06:29:05 »
Bloody ridiculous!!!!!