Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

What The Hell Is Wrong With Aussie Radio

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Dr Keats:
Mmmmm, which it what finally turned me off JJJ - the constant "anti-Government" crap, regardless of which party was in power at the time. They'd bag the s-h-1-t out of the current Government, lobby hard against them at election time, celebrate when they were voted out, then proceed to do exactly the same with the new one...

Pick a side and stick to it...

Mind you, they weren't all that better than the "commercials" re playlist; they had their list of preferred artists, whose stuff they'd flog to death. I recall when a particular REM single was released - they made a big show of playing once an hour for the entire day! I mean, seriously....

I don't really care WHAT their politics or opinions on anything at all are, I just wish they would all STFU and just play music!!

Radio is dead (at least for me), for all the reasons previously stated. Thankfully the advent of truly portable music players that enable me to carry my entire music collection with me everywhere means this isn't really a problem.

I never was a fan of commercial radio and thought JJJ was great when it first started being broadcast here in the early 90s but I must have slipped out of their target demographic (i.e. I've gotten old), because I find it annoying now.

I still tune into a local community radio station now and then but mostly my new music discovery is now all done online.

to put my entire music collection on a portable I'd need one with about 3 terrabytes of storage!!   :o


--- Quote from: Austwiz on Fri 26 Sep 2008 03:52:39 ---to put my entire music collection on a portable I'd need one with about 3 terrabytes of storage!!   :o

--- End quote ---

Maybe a reality one day  ;D


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