Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

What The Hell Is Wrong With Aussie Radio

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Heh, it pays to be picky, (only 94GB).

well, i have about 1 tb on hdd and 3,000 'real' cd's.....

The last time I actively listened to the radio was in the late 70's of 3RMIT-FM, which eventually became 3RRR.

Those days were great.  My fav show was hosted by a friendly guy that use to serve me at Archies and Jughead Records, which later became Missing Link Records.  That was Bruce Milne. Later on he established Au Go Go Records. The charistmatic Bohdan X hosted a Friday punk show.  There was also Greig Pickhaver, Johnny Topper, Santo Cilauro, Greg Champion of the Coodabeen Champions and Punter To Punter's Dr Turf. Tuning in to the radio broadcast of The Melbourne Cup or the Footy Grand Final was like tuning into a live comedy show.  Their was one horse called Black Knight and during one eventful Melbourne Cup race, they kept on singing, "....and Black Knight is a long way from home".

The station also had Live To Air concert recording from local bands from The Birthday Party,  The Models, The Reels, Young Modern, Ears, MEO 245, Serious Young Insects, Scientists, etc.  I just wished I had the forsight to record them.  >:(

At one stage I teamed up with a guy and we were scheduled to do a radio show on 3RRR.  We met with Stephen Walker ("The Ghost Who Walks") and he loved our idea.  At the last minute, the other guy pulled out and the show never eventuated.

Since the mid 80's I stopped tuning to the radio.  The car always had cassettes that I played, which eventually became CD's and now MP3's.

Sydney version ;)

--- Quote from: Dr Keats on Wed 24 Sep 2008 07:23:55 ---Triple M? "The Bogan's Choice". Great if you're a bogan, absolute purgatory if you're not... Warhurst & Hellier are awful. So are Wil & Lehmo. Spoonman's the only decent thing on there...

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must be OLD bogans choice, cause they play the same music, just with more adds as 2WS

--- Quote from: Dr Keats on Wed 24 Sep 2008 07:23:55 ---Vega? It's not "variety" to play three different songs by the same artist in one 8-hour period. Worse still when you do it with three or four artists every day... Announcers you've either never heard of, or never want to hear of again.

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very similar to the above two MMM  & WS

--- Quote from: Dr Keats on Wed 24 Sep 2008 07:23:55 ---Nova? Dave Hughes. Need I say more? OK - Akmal. And all the other unknowns. Not to mention doof-doof...

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We get Akmal too...picks up the popular tracks from JJJ, but had Merrick & Rosso as a +...started out as a great variety, playing a bit of everything including Kock I'd call it Frock Rock  :P

--- Quote from: Dr Keats on Wed 24 Sep 2008 07:23:55 ---Gold 104? "Beatles FM"... More music, by more dead people, more often...

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sounds like 2WS  :P

--- Quote from: Dr Keats on Wed 24 Sep 2008 07:23:55 ---Mix? Not quite as bad as the others - at least there's more variety in their playlist, albeit a tad on the bland side...

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more a mix between Nova & 2WS
Common to all the above: IMO
Don't really play any new Aussie music, Hence live band venues disappearing all over the place,also assisted by whingers complaining about the noise even though the venue was there when they moved in!!

P.S MMM calls themselves a rock station and plays "No Doubt" ::)

I usually surf between JJJ 105.7 Nova 96.9 for traffic updates and Community station SWR 99.9 & the CD 
my 2 bob ;D ;D

Dr Keats:
RRR used to be great - I loved Bruce Milne's show "Eeeek", with Phil Brophy, and "Danger: Low Brow" was another ripper...

Bruce was a great guy - always used to have a chin-wag every time I popped into Au-Go-Go...


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