Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

What The Hell Is Wrong With Aussie Radio

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Over here in the west, I listen to RTR. It's really the only station comiitted to playing new local music, Triple J aint what it used to be , and tend to play more overseas music (read: English and American).

I reckon as a kid I lost interest in radio by the time i had around 30 albums. It may have got worse but it's always been crap if you're a music fan coz it's always about everything else - dickhead DJs, stations IDs and ads, bloody ads - and not about the music.

what is radio .. as far as i new music formats are casette , lp , cd ,dvd and for the ancient peeps out there there was 8 track...  but seriously peeps aussie music is alive and well ! its also going very strong just check your gig guides get out of the house and party on !!! For those that need examples The Angels are currently touring ( Yes with Doc )  Dragon Just released a new Album and even the Oils are talkin bout taking to the stage again. Time to pressure the radio stations to play OUR music.

Speaking of Yanks playing Aussie music,, have you seen what an import CD of The Angels costs on Amazon.
I just saw one going for $122.00

Hey all, I dont know if anyone has heard of a band called "Beaverloop" ?  They had printed on the back of their CD's "NATIONAL RADIO NETWORKING IS SATAN", I remember their wisdom and it helps to keep my blood pressure down ;)


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