Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Lets have a Winge

What The Hell Is Wrong With Aussie Radio

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Back in the 70's you could often hear whole albums played soon after release on 5KA (now MMM), particularly late evening on to midnight. Now you never even hear an album track! It's all singles, and the same crap day after day. And the bloody ads just drive me mad! Ambulance chasing lawyers, mattress factories, a water purifier who just has to advertise every 5 minutes on EVERY station, strip clubs advertised while you're driving kids to school: the list is endless. They just GRATE!

Then you have Nova which is absolutely full of techno, trance crap that seems to never end. Boring!

I usually last about 10 minutes with the radio in the car. If I don't have my MP3 I listen to silence.

The fact that conventional radio has gone to the dogs leaves an opportunity open for Internet radio shows or podcasts to really take over and do something that the punters actually want. Trouble is there is so much cost and red tape involved in playing copyrighted material over the net these days it's practically impossible unless you've got zillions of dollars in capital. I've tried... several times :(


--- Quote from: Periscope on Wed 15 Apr 2009 03:44:03 ---The fact that conventional radio has gone to the dogs leaves an opportunity open for Internet radio shows or podcasts to really take over and do something that the punters actually want. Trouble is there is so much cost and red tape involved in playing copyrighted material over the net these days it's practically impossible unless you've got zillions of dollars in capital. I've tried... several times :(

--- End quote ---

Could always go in the direction of pirate radio station  ;)

The thought has crossed my mind  ;)

I'm so old I remember listening to Melbourne radio stations like 3KZ (stan Roffe et al) on a crystal set for gawds sake - but the music was exciting in the 60s


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