Author Topic: The Go Set @ the Annandale Hotel 11th Oct 08  (Read 8970 times)

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Offline Voulamay

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The Go Set @ the Annandale Hotel 11th Oct 08
« on: Wed 17 Sep 2008 00:44:16 »
THE GO SET w. guests

Annandale Hotel
Cnr. Parramatta Rd & Nelson St
Annandale, NSW

Saturday 11 Oct 2008
8:00 PM
$15 / $18 @ door if available
Doors @ 8.00pm

When singer/songwriter J. Keenan and bassist Mark Moran formed The Go Set in 2003, it seemed only natural to combine the elements of the music they had grown up on. Having both been brought up on everything from traditional celtic and folk music, to early seventies punk rock, and with a voice for political perspective and social conscience, The Go Set embarked on a unique musical journey. Combining the folk elements of the bagpipes, accordion, and mandolin, with distorted punk guitars and a rock n roll ethos, The Go Set created a sound and direction all its own...

“…trying to describe the sound of The Go Set is like trying to imagine Peter Garrett, The Pogues, and The Clash having a late night jam in a local pub with an endless supply of booze”. Blunt Magazine (2005)
Amusing, but probably not far wrong. The Pogues and The Clash, along with the likes of early Midnight Oil, Weddings Parties Anything, Billy Bragg, and Radio Birdman are indeed strong influences on the band’s music.
"I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars. The rest I just squandered."
George Best.