Author Topic: Live and Learn, I Never Knew This, Did You???  (Read 14840 times)

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Offline Jaylee

Live and Learn, I Never Knew This, Did You???
« on: Sat 04 Oct 2008 17:25:21 »
I can't take credit for this post, i found it on another board, so thanks go to the original poster, who has saved me from continuing to kink my neck everytime i pull up at the servo..... :) :)

I have been driving for many many years... I would think I should have noticed the little secret on my dashboard that was staring me in the face the whole time...I didn't...and I bet you didn't either...

Have you ever rented or borrowed a car and when arriving at the petrol station wondered...mmm, which side is the petrol filler cap?
My normal solution was to stick my head out the window, strain my neck and look, try to see in the side mirrors or even get out of the car!!!!
Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to share with you my little secret so you will no longer look like Ace Ventura on your way to the petrol station or put your neck at risk of discomfort or injury.

If you look at your petrol gauge, you will see a small icon of a petrol pump?
The handle of the petrol pump will extend out on either the left or right side of the petrol pump?
If your filler cap is on the left, the handle will be on the left? If your filler cap is on the right, the handle will be on the right (see photo). It is that simple!

If only the salesman told you things like this, probably never knew himself!!!
« Last Edit: Thu 05 Jul 2018 02:14:44 by Newrace »

Offline Jaylee

Re: Live and Learn, I Never Knew This, Did You???
« Reply #1 on: Sat 04 Oct 2008 17:42:37 »
OOOOps, actually after posting this i went and checked my car and this isn't the case with mine, but it is with hubbies, so its obviously not correct with all cars!!!!!!

Offline screamin

Re: Live and Learn, I Never Knew This, Did You???
« Reply #2 on: Sat 18 Oct 2008 19:26:29 »
oh i usually ask the kids which side its on

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Re: Live and Learn, I Never Knew This, Did You???
« Reply #3 on: Mon 20 Oct 2008 04:46:22 »
On a Holden, it's pretty much always on the driver's side - a truly stupid piece of design.

Here's how it works: You run out of juice on a major road in peak-hour. Go to a servo with a can to get enough petrol to get you there. Return to the stranded car.  Then you're effectively standing in the traffic flow while you're emptying your jerry-can into the tank. Been more than a few people killed over the years after being side-swiped while doing that.

Should be law that all locally-produced vehicles have the fillers on the non-traffic side of the vehicle...
If ignorance is bliss, how come I ain't smilin'?

Offline ozrocker

Re: Live and Learn, I Never Knew This, Did You???
« Reply #4 on: Mon 20 Oct 2008 18:18:07 »
On a Holden, it's pretty much always on the driver's side - a truly stupid piece of design.

Well that sums up Holdens period.  ;)
Still Living in a Child's Dream

Offline relaxmax

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Re: Live and Learn, I Never Knew This, Did You???
« Reply #5 on: Fri 27 Feb 2009 05:53:16 »
I have two holden's and one is on the drivers side the other on the passenger side.....given the passenger side vehicle is a re-badged Pulsar I still have to stop and think what car I'm in when I pull.  The worse thing is having to prepay for the fuel as we live in an area of frequent drive offs.... How the hell do I know how much it will cost to fill the tank given the price changes from the time I lift the nozzle to when the tank has filled?????