Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Ausrock Forums

How Did You First Hear About The Ausrock Forums?

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I just followed a link from another site and ended up here

Umm, I was checking up on some old of my releases and seen what i thought may have been a few of my original relases had been reposted at the Ausrock blog and i thought sweet, i aint the only joker getting ausrock out there and joined in the fun that soon became this place.  ;D
At the time i was pretty much ignorant of blogs and rapidhsare(etc) and all that was to offer via 'em.
I've been servin up Aussie rock to the community in some form or another pretty much since mp3's have been around..97/98 i think.

My mate showed me!

Saw it in the NFO of a Billy Thorpe CD I downloaded.
Liked the idea of an Aussie music forum so here I am.
Hopefully you'll be stuck with me for a while :D

I think someone posted a link on the message board section of the Ausrock blog (the fantastic thread about
"requests, shares etc part 2").


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