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How Did You First Hear About The Ausrock Forums?

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By pure luck.
I was in another forum, but it had closed and reopened and i couldn't use my password, so i forgot about it for a while.
A friend told me about this one, so i had a look.
Looks good..I will stay :) :)

I first found the blog through a search engine. Not sure what I was searching for at the time, but possibly Models, Mentals or The Little Heroes...yes that was it. The Little Heroes. I used to have the vinyl of their Play By Numbers album but it seems to have disappeared at some time over the years.

So I found the blog and "obtained" stuff from there for a while before writing to skids and asking how to go about joining and uploading stuff. I had never winrared an album before and certainly never uploaded anything to the web. I never knew of the existence of anything like rapidshare or megaupload or photobucket. I certainly learned a lot and very quickly. Once I started doing this stuff I then knew that I had to do something about my internet speed and allowance which at the time was pretty poor.

Ok I'll go now and stop boring you.

Someone gave me a copy of Sharon O'Neill's "Danced In The Fire" today and it inspired me to hunt for her earlier albums... Didn't find them but I found this cool board instead!

I came via Bazzil's blog "Prehistoric Sounds", while looking for the song names and band names for a couple of songs I had on tape from the 80's that I'd never been able to identify.  I had the lyrics and a possible name for one of the songs.  He suggested this forum, and it was a great call.  Motcher76 had them identified inside an hour and a half, probably as soon as he saw them!  ;)

I'm a big fan of searching using search engines, for example I would search Google by using the advanced search terms like this:

Models I Hear Motion turned up, and I followed the forum link, thinking I would find like minded people.  ;)

Looks like I did good.


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