Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Ausrock Forums

How Did You First Hear About The Ausrock Forums?

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I stumbled across it whilst searching for the John Dowler album, Low Society.

Incidentally, I later discovered that there's a link to the forum on the Ausrock ( home page. (Insert emoticon of someone slapping forehead...)

Incidentally, found it through another website while trying to locate a guy I remember from Soulseek whom I'd like to find on Facebook. He goes by the name Deutros and his first name is Tony. Completely forgot his last name. I also like Australian and Kiwi 50s-60s-70s pop although I'm American and have never set foot Downunder. My favorite singers are Dinah Lee, Maria Dallas, Little Pattie, Bev Harrell, Normie Rowe, Tony Worsley, Mister Lee Grant, and Jay Epae. My favorite groups are the Executives, the Delltones, the Valentines, and the Librettos. I am one of the few Aussie pop fans you'll ever meet who loathes the Easy Beats.

I live in Texas in America. G'day to y'all, mates!

I found it by searching for rare and obscure music and this was one of the places that came up. Since then I have heard from others that it is the place for australasian shares..and that includes NZ. why I didnt know about it earlier is beyond me. Thanks for all that you do.

I'm here with help kelvin1962 )


--- Quote from: popisdead on Thu 29 Oct 2009 04:38:48 ---I'm here with help kelvin1962 )

--- End quote ---



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