Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Ausrock Forums

How Did You First Hear About The Ausrock Forums?

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Justbrowsing say
--- Quote ---I found it through a google search for Spy vs Spy
--- End quote ---

Same for me here in France.;)


Searching aussie bands I love this site....

I was googling for some unavailable albums that I used to own and found Midoztouch and followed various links from their friends of Midoztouch page and ended up here


A few months back I downloaded a rapidshare zip of aussie 80's music, and the weblink was included in the folder.  Didn't worry about it straight away, but I was browsing the drive last night & came across it again, and decided to have a look.

Never imagined there would be a forum like this, on a topic like this, but now I've found the place, I've realised the WWW has been screaming out for it!

Whilst googling old aus rockers I stumbled onto Midoztouch which had a link to that unfortunately doesn`t work. I then did a bit more googling and, voila, I'm here. Not the easiest way here, I`m guessing..


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