Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Ausrock Forums

How Did You First Hear About The Ausrock Forums?

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A colleague of mine said I should have a look at the site, especially if you are interested in good old Aussie music.  So here I am.

Via original ausrock blogspot site.

Came across the site some time ago searching for Aussie band info (and also found Midoztouch/Midoztouch2). I've been a member of a few other music sites/forums for some time and always meant to sign up to Ausrock as well, but never got around to it for some reason or another. Lately music sites featuring OZ/NZ artists are getting a bit thin on the ground so I'm always on the lookout for new information sites/sources, knowledgebases and discussion forums.

Seeing Bazzil's post about "Love Party" was the spur for me to finally join up. I'd already posted the YouTube link for Bazzil on his Prehistoric Sounds blog, but as there was also interest shown here by members I thought I should post a on Ausrock as well ... the only way I could do that was to sign-up; so here I am!


I got here through a link from skids Kay-Tel blog


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