Comments, Suggestions, Discussions > Ausrock Forums

How Did You First Hear About The Ausrock Forums?

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It was inside a folder containing "Aussie Superstars - 20 Great Stars/20 Great Hits", I procured (via. Rapidshare) from K-TEL blogspot and many thanks for posting it...  :)

ok cool..sry for hijacking the thread lol

I'm stealing your sig for the blog  ;D ;D

I found it through the blog & I found the blog just a few days back when I googled "Madder Lake" +Stillpoint, in the search for a decent cover image to use in my mp3s (This was much quicker than me finding the CD in my collection & scanning the insert).

I found it through a google search for spy vs spy

Now you'll have trouble trying to get rid of me  ;D

I found it through a great Blog I read...kissmar's blog


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