Author Topic: Pink...performing at the ARIA's??? What the...???  (Read 9944 times)

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Offline Forrykook

Pink...performing at the ARIA's??? What the...???
« on: Mon 20 Oct 2008 04:13:29 »
Am I the only one who thinks that this sucks? Why have the organisers asked Pink to perform at the ARIA's? Couldn't they find another well deserving Aussie act to perform? What is wrong with these people?

Bah Humbug!!
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Re: Pink...performing at the ARIA's??? What the...???
« Reply #1 on: Mon 20 Oct 2008 04:41:02 »
On the one hand, having an overseas act perform is a bit of a slap to the locals.

Then again, in past years there have been grumblings when the artists who performed also picked up awards on the night - accusations of favouritism, etc...

On the third hand, who'd pick Pete Murray to headline the show if they could get, say, Robbie Williams?
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