Author Topic: Telstra  (Read 41167 times)

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Offline JestaCat

Re: Telstra
« Reply #30 on: Fri 30 Oct 2009 03:42:20 »
hmmm Maybe Telstra are reading this thread (psyche!! - I doubt it!). . . I've been arguing with the BigPond Music people since Feb about a credit I'm due - I send them a follow up email each fortnight, and they reply "this has been forwarded to the correct area for you" and I never hear anything from 'the correct area'!   Funny thing is, I wrote this off in Feb, but they contacted me and advised I'd get vouchers! . . . and now they won't fulfill their promises . . . oh well.
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Offline togmayday

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #31 on: Sun 29 Nov 2009 23:18:14 »
Don't get me started on Telstra, i live in a capital city and the best I can get here is 28k dial's bloody 2009 for goodness sakes!

Offline Forrykook

Re: Telstra
« Reply #32 on: Sun 20 Dec 2009 05:10:59 »
I have had my fair share of run-ins with Telstra, but I have praise for the telstra person I spoke to on the "nuisance calls" number a few days ago. My wife and I have been receiving abusive phone calls, (we know not to answer when that number calls but they still leave an abusive message, they're stupid, demented, paranoid psychotic, selfish ex-family members).

Anyhow, we called telstra and within minutes and speaking to a very helpful person we had blocked this particular number from being able to call us. He explained everything about how it works and the different dial tone we'd get afterwards and what sort of numbers we could block and how many we could block. He was very helpful and friendly. We didn't get the run-around or the "speak-to-10-people-before-you-find-the-one-who-can-do-what-you-ask" syndrome either.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #33 on: Wed 07 Apr 2010 04:54:41 »
I have had exactly the same experience, even the promise of a cheque in the mail, it is for $45 owed for the last 10 months.

Finally got a refund after billing them for it a few times plus $15 a month late fee plus disbursements (same as they charge their customers). Only got the basic refund though, there is no way that payments for being late or for disbursements and costs can be done, so they claim. What a bunch of patronising pricks, they took 15 months to pay up and they even had the cheek to send a letter about a week prior to sending the cheque praising their own prompt service if you contact them via their website, which was the first thing I did way back in February last year. Should have never been privatised, they were a lot more accountable and regulated when government owned.

Two rants in one month....I had better get back out of town.

Offline WonderWoman

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #34 on: Sat 29 May 2010 04:12:41 »
I can't stand Telstra - I use OPTUS & have never had any problems - my bills are so much cheaper too

Offline Rosie125

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #35 on: Sat 29 May 2010 07:12:48 »
I used to use Optus but switched when Telstra (BigPond) offered us a much better deal.
But now I'll be looking into that 150BG Optus are advertising for about the same cost as my lousy 12Gb from BigPond. Can't believe the difference when Telstra owns all the infrastructure.
Gotta be a catch somewhere.

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Offline DaveR

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #36 on: Thu 22 Jul 2010 19:03:35 »
I notice that all the top execs have been boned today!!!

Offline Rosie125

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #37 on: Thu 22 Jul 2010 20:32:35 »
I notice that all the top execs have been boned today!!!
Have they? Great news.
Another example of how useless they are:
A couple of weeks ago we got our phone/broadband package bill in the mail.
That was fine - amount was correct and we were actually in credit.
Later that day I got an email from BigPond.
Across the top, in large bold print it said "YOUR BILL".
Then it had "Outstanding Balance" and the amount of my monthly broadband (which we paid with the phone bill above).
Then, again in large bold print it said "OVERDUE - PAYABLE IMMEDIATELY"
So I got on the phone to them.
"Oh no, that's just a record of your usage - it isn't a bill."
So I emailed back and asked WTF are they doing sending out a usage advice with "Your Bill", "Outstanding Balance" "Overdue - Payable Immediately" on it??? Why doesn't it say something like "Usage Advice Only" on it???
Got a reply thanking me for my feedback and they would pass it on to appropriate department.
And these guys get paid how much???

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Offline Rosie125

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #38 on: Mon 26 Jul 2010 20:34:24 »
Well, it seems my complaining about the crap in the previous post paid off. Here is what they send out now:
We've attached your latest BigPond Usage Statement. You can view all the BigPond charges that will appear on your next Telstra Single Bill.

This statement is for your information only - it's not a request for payment. Any GST amounts are estimates only and any extra discounts you're eligible for will appear on your Telstra Single Bill.
Wonder if they'll pay me for pointing out their stupidity???

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Offline blackmetal12

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #39 on: Tue 25 Jan 2011 02:25:55 »
I hate the idiots - especially what they charge for excess usage. You'd imagine they'd put a cap on it - about 50 to 100 dollars at max - I've heard some sad stories on the issue.

Offline Rosie125

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #40 on: Tue 25 Jan 2011 06:39:30 »
They still have excess usage fees in some plans???
Geez, thought that was dead and buried with dial-up speed replacing it.
BTW, is it just me or is BigPond the slowest site to get on to?
I have no problems elsewhere but they are disgustingly slow for a telco.

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Offline blackmetal12

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Re: Telstra
« Reply #41 on: Tue 25 Jan 2011 18:21:52 »
I switched to TPG - I normally get 350kbps max for ADSL2+, and after 180 gigs it is slowed to 100kbps - No excess charges, and not a lot of difference. They are good cause I can do a lot of uploading towards the end of the month.