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Has Anybody Heard of "The Nails"

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 This group had Mark Campbell as its lead singer.
1st 3 Albums were
1. Mood Swing
2. Dangerous Dreams
3. Corpus Christii.

They had a few interesting songs
One was called "88 Lines about 44 Women"

Yes I know of them. "88 Lines about 44 Woman" was their most popular song. Infact I only have the extended version of the song.

Both Mood Swing (1984) and Dangerous Dreams (1986) were re-mastered and re-released in 2007, including some bonus tracks. I think this may be the first time they've been on CD?

"88 Lines About 44 Women" is included on Mood Swings (in addition to a Remix version).


Dr Keats:
Is this the same Nails who had a mid-80's song called "Let It All hang Out"? Great track...


--- Quote from: Dr Keats on Sat 14 Mar 2009 11:26:19 ---Is this the same Nails who had a mid-80's song called "Let It All hang Out"? Great track...
--- End quote ---

Yep, that's them. "Let It All Hang Out" is on the Mood Swing album (including a 12'' remix version).



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