Hey Luciano, this place is tops! I have seen kindness, tolerance and helpfulness to all folks from all folks in these forums. When I read your post, my first thought of a possible reply was "Get nicked ya loser!" but in the usual good form of the moderators here, the posted reply was much more placid and explanatory. Go Newrace you good thing!
Hey Skids, this place used to be much better once.
How would you even know this? You have only made 5 posts. Presumably only 3 before this one. You haven't even enabled access to the areas where all the goodies are yet.
Rules? Why do you need rules? It seems the rest of us don't need rules. However, I also had a post deleted once when I was a newbie but it was not because of a lack of rules. It was because I posted the most stupid comment ever in reply to a post about a song in the "Help me identify this" forum :D. I didn't even know how to follow a link to listen to the sample posted and I am not even going to repeat my proffered idea of what the song was

So yes, newbies make mistakes but we don't come back with our next post all belligerent and bellicose.
The only thing I do is correct people's spelling mistakes. Newrace,
None of the Moderator's are dictators
the word moderators here is a plural. No apostrphe is needed.