Author Topic: Rocketsmiths  (Read 20497 times)

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Offline NerdBurger

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« on: Sat 09 Aug 2008 01:16:28 »
I know nothing about them...never heard of 'em on the radio, I have never seen a CD at JB Hi-Fi or a clip or Rage.

BUT I did come across their CD on NG and this is like some kinda mystery band that deserves some accolades.

They have a MySpace site --->

Check out the song "Modern Life" and tell me what do you think??!?!?  ???

I think you'll be surprised.   :o

Also two other groups that are new that I really like are....ROOT! (sort of a C&W version of TISM) and I enjoyed watching Eddy Current Suppression Ring supporting DEVO at the barn last week.  ;D

Wearing a pair of super high-powered glasses that provides millions of mega-tons of energy through the sensitive muscles in his head.